Sunday, February 27, 2005

We always knew it

What will happen if we find out that plants have feelings? More concrete: What will vegetarians do? They stop eating meat because of cruelties against animals. Fair enough, but how cruel are we against vegetables?
This website shows all the vegetable cruelty (and remember: vegetables do not have a mouth to scream!).

Saturday, February 26, 2005


How great are radio headphones?! I can go into my kitchen or even to the toilet while listening to my music. (never tried the shower, but despite the water it might work, too)

But it's still hard to calibrate them to get a crystal-clear tune...

P.S. When I put on my headphones tonight, I could hear the sound output of a different set of radio headphones (I guess the guy was watching "Alexander"). Audio sniffing, here we go.

Wednesday, February 23, 2005

Snow's in town!

News from the warmest town in Germany (in fact Karlsruhe, where i live!):
It snowed a lot tonight. OK, not a lot but quiet a lot for Karlsruhe.

snowy karlsruhe

That's the view from the window of my room. There's normally not much snow around. But it snowed all night. I was at a mates house and walked home around midnight through the snow, a really great feeling.
A sledge would be great by the way (and apparently a hill, but there's none in Karlsruhe).

Sunday, February 13, 2005

Freshly brewed and infused

After a long time a finally decided to open this blog, parallel to Andy's.
So, look forward to this place, where I will put all my pain and comfort in.